wtorek, 16 czerwca 2015

Seminarium: Postmulticulturalism and contemporary legal discourse (Poznań, 22 czerwca 2015)

Poznańskie Centrum Praw Człowieka INP PAN zaprasza na seminarium zatytułowane "Postmulticulturalism and contemporary legal discourse", które odbędzie się 22 czerwca 2015 r. o g. 13.00 w siedzibie Centrum (ul. Mielżyńskiego 27/29, Poznań). Wprowadzenie do seminarium zostało przygotowane przez dr Aleksandrę Gliszczyńską-Grabias (PCPCz INP PAN), samo zaś seminarium poprowadzi dr Dorota Gozdecka (wykładowczyni prawa migracyjnego w Australian National University Colege of Law, dyrektor międzynarodowego projektu badawczego Law and the Other in post-multicultural Europe).

Wstęp wolny, spotkanie w języku angielskim.

Poniżej opis seminarium:

Postmulticulturalism and contemporary legal discourse In recent years, multiculturalism has been declared a failure both in Europe and the Anglophone West. This diagnosis went hand in hand with an excessive focus on gendered cultural practices in culturally diverse societies, such as forced marriages or ‘honour killings’; the raise of anti-immigration political movements and the adoption of stricter legal rules in the areas of immigration and citizenship. This presentation is based on the joint article printed in the Journal of Sociology focusing on the legal, social and political features of post-multiculturalism. The article identifies the major shifts that characterise post-multiculturalism and discusses their implications particularly for the citizens of Europe and various ‘others’. It identifies recent shifts primarily in the areas of human rights and migration law and policy debates in various culturally diverse societies. In doing this it reveals that post-multiculturalism reinforces rather than counteracts the problematic features of multiculturalism and points out to the paradoxes of post-multicultural approaches to culturally different Others.

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