poniedziałek, 21 września 2015

Call for papers: 5th Biennial Global Conference SIEL 2016: International Economic Law in a Diverse World (Johannesburg, lipiec 2016)

Society of International Economic Law zaprasza do składania propozycji referatów, paneli oraz plakatów na 5th Biennial Global Conference SIEL 2016, która odbędzie się w Johannesburgu, w dniach od 7 do 9 lipca 2016 r. Temat konferencji został sformułowany bardzo szeroko (“International Economic Law in a Diverse World”), organizatorzy wskazali jednak problematykę, którą są szczególnie zainteresowani:

  • the three traditional pillars of IEL: trade, investment, and monetary / financial policies; 
  • the relationship between these pillars, and between these pillars and other areas that touch upon international economic governance;
  • the relationship between global economic governance and regional arrangements and the function of IEL in different parts of the world;
  • exploring options for financial sector reform after the global financial crisis;
  • the legal significance of digitalization and the knowledge economy;
  • interdisciplinary approaches such as law and economics, political economy, development theory, risk management, global health and environmental studies and other disciplines relating to IEL;
  • comparative economic law, focusing on how IEL interacts with laws, institutions and actors at the domestic level;
  • the roles of law and legal practice in international economic governance, particularly in the monetary and financial international institutions;
  • methods and trends in researching, teaching and learning of IEL, including doctrinal and empirical methodologies;
  • interactions between scholars, practitioners, government officials and civil society groups active in IEL.
Propozycje referatów, paneli oraz plakatów można przesyłać do 9 listopada 2015 r. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.

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