środa, 3 lutego 2016

Call for Papers: 25th Annual SLS-BIICL Conference on Theory and International Law (Londyn, kwiecień 2016)

Society of Legal Scholars, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) oraz European Society of International Law’s Interest Group on International Legal Theory ogłosiły call for papers dotyczący swojej corocznej konferencji poświęconej teorii prawa międzynarodowego: "25th Annual SLS-BIICL Conference on Theory and International Law". Tegoroczna konferencja zatytułowana jest "Beyond our comfort zone? Situating the authority of international lawyers, institutions, & other international actors" i odbędzie się 25 kwietnia 2016 r. w siedzibie BIICL. 

Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
  • Theorising about the nature of authority, its relationship to legitimacy and power, and how authority serves to justify the validity of international legal rules;
  • The responsibility of international legal officials (judges, legal officers in international organisations, State legal representatives, international legal practitioners) in upholding the international legal system;
  • The role of international lawyers in performing functions not necessarily linked to their expertise in international law, in particular political, diplomatic or advisory functions, serving on commissions of inquiry, etc;
  • The interaction between international lawyers and experts in other fields, in particular those of a scientific or technical character, and the nature of that interaction in, for example, disputes concerning the environment, cyber, surveillance, etc; and
  • The role of amici curiae in international legal proceedings, the risks and rewards of inviting non-legal expertise into the courtroom.
Termin przesyłania propozycji referatów (maksymalnie 1 strona) upływa 29 lutego 2016 r. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.

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