piątek, 11 marca 2016

Call for Papers: The International Law of Military Operations: Mapping the Field (Exeter, czerwiec 2016)

International Society for Military Law and the Law of War oraz Exeter Law School zapraszają do udziału w konferencji zatytułowanej "The International Law of Military Operations: Mapping the Field", która odbędzie się w dniach od 21 do 23 czerwca 2016 r. w Exeter. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
  • the concept, meaning and scope of the international law of military operations;
  • the place of the international law of military operations within the system of public international law as a potential lex specialis regime;
  • the relevance and impact of particular branches of public international law—such as the law of the sea, air law, the law of international responsibility, international human rights law, the law of State jurisdiction and immunity—on the conduct of overseas military operations and vice versa;
  • the legal framework of information and influence operations, both during and outside of armed conflict;
  • current legal developments and legal challenges facing the conduct of overseas military operations, such as the emergence of hybrid threats;
  • training needs in the area of the international law of military operations and how best to address them.
Propozycje referatów (maksymalnie 600 słów) można przesyłać do 8 kwietnia 2016 r. Więcej szczegółów jest dostępnych tu.

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