czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2016

Call for papers: The Impact of the Law of Armed Conflict on General International Law (Exeter, wrzesień 2016)

W dniach od 22 do 23 września 2016 r. w Exeter odbędzie się seminarium eksperckie zatytułowane "The Impact of the Law of Armed Conflict on General International Law". Organizatorzy zapraszają do przesyłania propozycji referatów (do 500 słów) do 20 maja 2016 r. są oni szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
  • How do the rules on treaty interpretation in general international law operate in the specific area of LOAC?
  • Has the debate on the binding nature of treaties in LOAC for non-State armed groups resonated in other areas of international law?
  • To what extent is the practice of non-State armed groups relevant to the formation of customary rules of LOAC, and is the answer the same in other areas of international law in which non-State actors participate (such as investment law)?
  • How, if at all, has the law of armed conflict influenced the rules on State responsibility in international law?
  • Has the growth of rights and obligations of individuals and non-State armed groups under LOAC had any impact on the development of general international law?
  • How, if at all, has LOAC contributed to the ‘humanization’ of international law?
  • Have international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies which apply LOAC in their jurisprudence had any impact on the development of general international law?
  • How does the impact of LOAC on general international law compare with the impact produced by other specialised areas of international law?
Więcej szczegółów jest dostępnych tu.

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