wtorek, 20 czerwca 2017

Call for papers: Law and Economics: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions of Interdisciplinarity (Helsinki, listopad 2017)

Do 1 września br. można nadsyłać zgłoszenia na konferencję "Law and Economics: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions of Interdisciplinarity", która odbędzie się w dniach 9-10 listopada 2017 r. w Helsinkach.
Organizatorzy proponują, aby zgłoszenia koncentrowały się wokół następujących zagadnień:
  • In what sense is (this or that version of) Law and Economics a theoretical or a practical enterprise? 
  • Is Law and Economics a form of economic imperialism? And should lawyers and legal scholars be worried about it?
  • What type of interdisciplinary interactions does Law and Economics involve?
  • What are the key concepts for describing the varieties of Law and Economics? Does it still make sense to distinguish between Chicago, Yale and Virginia Schools of Law and Economics?
  • How can economic research contribute to the scientific study of positive law or the development of legal theory and practice? In which areas of law is this contribution likely to be important?
  • How does or should economic theory relate to legal concepts like rule, norm, obligation, sanction, etc.?
  • How can legal research contribute to the development of economic theory and practice?
  • How does or should legal theory relate to the analysis and the use of economic concepts such as efficiency, market failure, incomplete contract, incentive, etc.?
  • What type of knowledge would the efficiency hypothesis of common law, if warranted, produce?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać na adres mailowy magdalena.malecka@helsinki.fi lub p.cserne@hull.ac.uk.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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