sobota, 14 października 2017

Call for papers: International Judicial Dialogue in the Protection of Fundamental Rights (Salamanka, listopad 2017 r.)

W dniach 27-28 listopada 2017 r. na Uniwersytecie w Salamance odbędzie się konferencja "International Judicial Dialogue in the Protection of Fundamental Rights". Organizatorzy zachęcają do nadsyłania propozycji wystąpień, poświęconych w szczególności następującej tematyce:
  • European multilevel legal space, tackling as possible contents: theoretical approach to the judicial dialogue, European multilevel constitutionalism, the interaction between the different legal instruments for the protection of human rights existing in the European legal space.
  • Judicial pluralism, tackling as possible contents: relations between the CJEU and the ECtHR, relations among the aforementioned courts and the most prominent member states’ Constitutional Courts, judicial dialogue between those courts and other international jurisdictions competent on the protection of human rights (such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights) and the cooperation mechanisms at hand (both formal and informal). 
  • European Union principles and values, as shaped by the CJEU, the ECtHR and the Constitutional Courts to avoid conflicts in the European multilevel legal space, tackling as possible contents: the primacy, direct effect and States responsibility (CJEU), ultra vires control, limits to the attribution of competences and respect for the national identity (Constitutional Courts) and last word right in human rights matter, standard minimum, margin of appreciation, pilot judgements (ECtHR). 
  • The future of the international judicial dialogue, tackling as possible contents: a possible review of the ECtHR Bosphorus doctrine, the future of the Bundesverfassungsgericht Solange II doctrine, the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and its impact in the relations between the British courts and the international human rights courts, the use of legal reasoning by international courts and committees (such as the International Court of Justice or the United Nations Human Rights Committee) imported from different jurisdictions or the consequences of Opinion 2/13 of the ECJ in the future dynamics regarding judicial dialogue on human rights in Europe. 
Zgłoszenia (tytuł proponowanego wystąpienia, jego abstrakt do 5 linijek i opis do dwóch stron, CV i list polecający) można nadsyłać do 15 listopada br. Organizatorzy, w ramach dostępnych środków, pokryją koszty podróży wybranych uczestników. Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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