poniedziałek, 11 grudnia 2017

Call for papers: Performing World Politics Through Rituals (Groningen, czerwiec 2018 r.)

W dniach 6-8 czerwca 2018 r. na Uniwersytecie w Groningen odbędzie się piąty z serii European Workshop in International Studies pod hasłem "Performing World Politics Through Rituals". Przykładowe tematy wystąpień to:
  • How is power and are the boundaries of political communities (re)defined through such rituals (and vice versa)?
  • How do rituals bring to life the abstract notions such ‘international community’ or ‘transnational networks’ and authorize those who speak on their behalf?
  • What practices of in- and exclusion do rituals perform?
  • How can rituals do their symbolic work amidst cultural diversity and indeterminacy of meaning?
  • What changes do we see both in terms of the changing meaning of traditional rituals and the emergence of new rituals?
  • What is the place of technology in these changes and contemporary rituals more generally?
  • How can the concept of liminality provide insight into these changes and the changing practices of world politics?
  • How are rituals interwoven with bureaucratic procedures, or can bureaucratic procedures attain ritualistic qualities themselves?
  • What distinguishes certain practices as rituals rather than just performances, and can they lose this quality?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 200 słów) można przesyłać do 10 stycznia 2018 r. za pomocą elektronicznego formularza. Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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