wtorek, 16 lipca 2019

Call for papers: Public Law Conference ‘Public Law: Rights, Duties and Powers’ (Ottawa, czerwiec 2020 r.)

W dniach 17-19 czerwca 2020 r. w Ottawie odbędzie się konferencja pt. "Public Law: Rights, Duties and Powers". Organizatorzy zainteresowani są w szczególności następującymi tematami wystąpień:
  • Rights-based theories of public law, and critiques of such theories.
  • The role of different public institutions such as the legislature, executive, courts or fourth branch of government, in recognising, interpreting and implementing rights.
  • Adjudication of specific rights-issues in comparative perspective.
  • The nature of different types of public law rights, including human, Indigenous, welfare and fundamental rights, and consideration of different sources of rights, such as constitutions, Indigenous law, statutes, and the common law.
  • The connection between public law rights and remedies, and the impact of rights-commitments on public decision-making.
  • Theories of public law based in duties, such as fiduciary duties, and critiques of such theories.
  • The nature and legal regulation of different types of public law duties, including duties owed by the state to Indigenous peoples, individuals, and to the community as a whole.
  • The role of courts, the administration and other institutions in interpreting and implementing public law duties, including aspirational duties, duties of progressive realisation, and duties to provide public goods.
  • Distribution of powers between central and subnational jurisdictions, and within single jurisdictions.
  • The nature and legal regulation of public powers including statutory, prerogative, executive, de facto, and contractual powers.
  • How public law principles may inform legal regulation of powers exercised by private or international institutions.
  • How public law ought to respond to new modes of public power such as new technologies and soft law techniques.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów wraz z formularzem zgłoszeniowym) należy przesyłać do 2 września br. na adres droitpubliclaw@uottawa.ca.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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