środa, 11 stycznia 2017

Call for papers: Implications of the Nuclear Agreement with Iran (Kopenhaga, kwiecień 2017)

Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Kopenhadze zaprasza do przesyłania propozycji referatów na konferencję zatytułowaną "Implications of the Nuclear Agreement with Iran", która odbędzie się w dniach 3-4 kwietnia 2017 r. w Kopenhadze. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi obszarami tematycznymi:
  • Multi-level sanctions regime against Iran and remaining challenges to its removal
  • Domestic legal challenges in Iran, including rule of law and access to courts as well as investment protection and access to bank loans
  • Expected socio-political implications in Iran, including political liberties and the transformation of the socio-political life
  • Political actors in Iran, including the balance of power between different branches of government as well as the institutional and constitutional framework
  • Energy markets, including OPEC and regional concerns in the Gulf as well as the potential of renewable energies
  • Non-proliferation and military dimension, including the Iran Agreement’s effectiveness as well as other nuclear non-proliferation efforts
  • Regional security issues in the Middle East, including proxy wars and sectarian divide as well as strategies for effective conflict resolution
Propozycje referatów (maksymalnie 300 słów) można przesyłać do 31 stycznia 2017 r. Więcej informacji jest dostępnych tu.

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