czwartek, 16 lutego 2017

Call for papers: TTIP and Beyond Negotiating and implementing the EU’s Free Trade Agreements in an uncertain environment (Rennes, czerwiec 2017)

Jean Monnet Network LAWTTIP (konsorcjum University of Bologna, King’s College London oraz University of Rennes 1) zaprasza do udziału w konferencji zatytułowanej "TTIP and Beyond: Negotiating and implementing the EU’s Free Trade Agreements in an uncertain environment", która odbędzie się w dniach 15-16 czerwca 2017 r. w Rennes. Organizatorzy są zainteresowani następującymi tematami:

- Negotiating, signing, concluding TTIP and EU’s FTAs 
  • Negotiation method (e.g. the legal status of negotiating directives, on the composition of negotiating teams; the impact of the legal nature of the partners, a Federal State on one side, a sui generis Legal entity on the other side on the negotiation and implementation process; the application of some general principles of EU law such as the transparency principle or loyalty principle at the negotiation stage and their impact on the conduct of the negotiation might be discussed; the capacity of stakeholders to influence the negotiation process and content). 
  • Democratic issues (e.g. the role of the European Parliament; the role of National and local Parliaments of the Member States; the potential use of referendums within Member States on TTIP or other FTAs; the use of the Citizen Initiative instrument; the role of the Consultative Organs of the EU 
  • Procedural issues for the EU (e.g. the scope of the EU’s competencies to sign and conclude its new generation of FTAs (legal basis, mixity, etc.); the provisional application of the new generation of FTAs in an uncertain environment; the potential need for procedural adaptions of the conventional process within a Brexit context. 
- Implementing TTIP and EU’s FTAs 
  • Institutional framework established by the agreements (e.g. What normative role for common organs created by agreements for their implementation? What parliamentary involvement in their normative activities? What legal effect (binding effect, direct effect, etc.) for the acts they adopt? 
  • Systemic issues (e.g. interactions between the EU’s FTAs (potential impact of TTIP on EU’s pre-existing agreements) 
Propozycje referatów (500-1000 słów) można przesyłać do 15 marca 2017 r. Organizatorzy pokrywają koszty podróży i zakwaterowania prelegentów. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.

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