piątek, 17 marca 2017

Call for Papers: Towards Utopia – Rethinking International Law (Kilonia, sierpień 2017)

The Walther Schücking Institute for International Law działający przez Uniwersytecie w Kilonii (Kiel) zaprasza do udziału w warsztatach dla młodych naukowców zatytułowanej "Towards Utopia – Rethinking International Law", które odbędą się w dniach 19-20 sierpnia 2017 r. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
  • The role(s) of utopianism: Which role(s), if any, does utopianism play in current international legal theory and political morality? Which should it play? Are some areas of law (e.g. human rights, ius cogens) particularly relevant – or troublesome?
  • Moral and legal progress: How, if ever, can we reach or work towards utopia? How should progress be measured? What are the implications for conceptualising time, morality, and law?
  • Existing structures: How do current structures of international law (e.g. certain dogmatic approaches, formalism, supposed objectivity or neutrality of law) relate to utopian thought? How, if ever, can these be overcome? Should they?
  • Critical approaches revisited: Can primarily critical and deconstructive approaches (feminist, queer, anti-colonialist, critical race or disability studies, etc.) be given positive and utopian formulations?
  • Practical implications: What should utopian proposals actually look like? What are their implications for structural reforms of international law and international organisations? What would such reforms entail?
Propozycje referatów można przesyłać do 8 maja 2017. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.

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