czwartek, 12 października 2017

Call for Papers: Historians without Borders: Writing Histories of International Organizations (Lejda, marzec 2018 r.)

Grupa realizująca projekt ERC ‘Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective’ w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu w Lejdzie zaprasza na warsztaty "Historians without Borders: Writing Histories of International Organizations", która odbędzie się w dniach 22-23 marca 2018 r. Osoby zainteresowane czynnym udziałem w warsztatach mogą przesyłać zgłoszenia (abstrakt proponowanego wystąpienia do 500 słów i CV) do dnia 13 listopada 2017 r. an adres
Organizatorzy zainteresowani są w szczególności następującą tematyką:
  • What specific advantages do different approaches bring to the history of international organizations?
  • Are these approaches mutually exclusive, or do we need to combine different perspectives and concepts?
  • What are some of the methodological challenges in writing the history of international organizations, in terms of analyzing connections, entanglements, comparisons, etc.?
  • What are some of the practical challenges in writing the history of international organizations, in terms of mobility, language barriers, cultural sensitivity, etc.?
  • How can we deal with the fact that levels can be used both as analytical concepts (used by the historian) and as historical concepts (used by the historical actors)?
  • How can we deal with different uses of terms like international, national, local, e.g. as level, geographical or spatial unit or loyalty of a historical actor?
  • How can we deal with the (hidden) hierarchy of terms or levels like global, national, etc.
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