- PMP w filmie (2)
- Seminarium PPM (18)
- call for applications (96)
- call for authors (23)
- call for papers (1161)
- konkurs (53)
- materiały (40)
- oferta pracy (46)
- stypendium (28)
- szkoła letnia (83)
- video (26)
- warsztaty (165)
niedziela, 28 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Association of Human Rights Institutes Annual Conference 2021 "Human Rights Strategies" (Maastricht, sierpień 2021 r.)
sobota, 27 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Slavery Past, Present & Future: 5th Global Meeting (online, lipiec 2021 r.)
- Defining Slavery
- Slaveries of the Past
- Human Trafficking and other Forms of Contemporary Exploitation
- Systems and Structures of Enslavement and Subordination (historic and contemporary)
- Voices of the Enslaved
- Legacies of Slavery
- Anti-slavery Initiatives and Movements
- Covid-19 and slavery
piątek, 26 lutego 2021
Call for papers: CIBEL Global Network Conference and Young Scholars Workshop (online, lipiec-wrzesień 2021 r.)
czwartek, 25 lutego 2021
Call for papers: German Yearbook of International Law
środa, 24 lutego 2021
Call for applications: International Human Rights Law: An Introduction
wtorek, 23 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Irish Journal of European Law
poniedziałek, 22 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Workshop Jean Monnet NOVA-EU: EU Democracy and Rule of Law (online, czerwiec 2021 r.)
- What is there to protect? Democracy and the rule of law as common values of the European Union, and the question of (the lack of) common standards;
- Monitoring, peer review, and measuring democracy and the rule of law, in particular with reference to the Commission Rule of Law Reports;
- The use of conditionality as a tool to protect and promote democracy and the rule of law, before and after accession, and the new Regulation ‘on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget’
- The role of European and national courts and judges in protecting democracy and the rule of law, as well as the role of new actors (civil society, NGOs, citizens, agencies, etc);
- Possible new paths and initiatives for the protection and promotion of democracy and the rule of law in the EU and the Member States.
niedziela, 21 lutego 2021
Webinarium: The EU Policy on Digitization (of Art Collections), 23 lutego 2021 r.
Miami-Florida Jean Monnet Center of Excellence zaprasza do udziału w webinarium pt. "The EU Policy on Digitization (of Art Collections)", organizowanym przez Centrum Studiów Europejskich Uniwersytetu Florydy, w dniu 23 lutego (wtorek) 2021 r., o godz. 16:30 (czasu środkowoeuropejskiego). Panelistki z Niemiec, Polski i Włoch przedstawią technologie dostępne
dla dziedzictwa kulturowego i ocenią zarówno ich potencjał, jak i
możliwe zagrożenia w kontekście prawa i polityki Unii Europejskiej (UE) w tym obszarze. Wydarzenie to jest częścią serii "Jean Monnet w USA", łączącej sieć uniwersytetów finansowanych przez UE w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Więcej informacji oraz link do rejestracji dostępne są tutaj.
czwartek, 18 lutego 2021
Call for submissions: Cambridge Law Review - De Lege Ferenda
środa, 17 lutego 2021
Call for candidates: PhD candidate position on Nazi Looted Art
Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Maastricht oferuje pełnoetatowe, płatne stanowisko dla doktorantki/a w projekcie naukowym dotyczącym zwrotu mienia ofiar Holokaustu. Przez cztery lata doktorant/ka będzie prowadzić badania oraz pracować nad dysertacją na temat prawnych aspektów odzyskiwania dzieł sztuki zrabowanych przez nazistów i ich sojuszników. Pole badawcze obejmuje zagadnienia komparatystyki prawniczej, prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego, prawa międzynarodowego publicznego, historii współczesnej oraz etyki. Zainteresowane/i kandydatki/ci zostaną poproszeni o zaproponowanie tematu w ramach tej rozległej dziedziny badań, który powinien obejmować przede wszystkim wymiar związany z prawem prywatnym.
Więcej informacji: tu.
wtorek, 16 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Transforming Evidence and Proof in International Criminal Trials
- Proof and procedure in international criminal courts.
- Open Source investigations and expert scientific evidence
- Bayesian and Wigmorean inference networks
- Evidential reasoning in epistemological and ontological perspective
- Eyewitness testimony, narrative and memory
- Innovative jurisdictional approaches to international crimes
poniedziałek, 15 lutego 2021
Call for papers: New York University Law Review
sobota, 13 lutego 2021
Call for papers: International Criminal Justice: A Counter Hegemonic Project? (czerwiec 2021 r.)
piątek, 12 lutego 2021
Webinarium: The International Criminal Court vs. Powerful States: The United Kingdom/Iraq Preliminary Examination and Beyond 18.02.2021
Amsterdam Center for International Law (virtual), 18 February 2021, 15:00 CET
On 9 December 2020, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, announced that she would close the United Kingdom/Iraq preliminary examination. The Prosecutor determined that, while there was a reasonable basis to believe that members of the British armed forces had committed war crimes in Iraq, she could not substantiate allegations that the United Kingdom’s subsequent investigations were not genuine, or that potential perpetrators had been shielded from justice. The Prosecutor’s declination has come under criticism. In particular, questions have been raised about the British government’s history of ignoring abuses committed by its own troops, the lack of accountability alternatives for Iraqi victims, and the Prosecutor’s deferential evaluation of the United Kingdom’s domestic proceedings. The panelists will analyze the Prosecutor’s declination and what it means for future investigations against powerful states, in particular the International Criminal Court’s ongoing inquiries involving Israel (in Palestine) and the United States (in Afghanistan).Please register here: https://acil.uva.nl/content/events/lectures/2021/02/the-international-criminal-court-vs.-powerful-states.htmlSpeakers:Carla Ferstman (Essex Law School)
Patryk Labuda (Amsterdam Center for International Law)
Yahli Shereshevsky (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Priya Urs (University College London)
Call for papers: 10th FSR Annual Conference ‘Infrastructure Investment Challenges: reconciling Competition, Decarbonisation and Digitalisation’ (Florencja, czerwiec 2021 r.)
czwartek, 11 lutego 2021
Call for papers: VI Symposium on Salient Issues in International Arbitration: "Does a Transnational Legal Order Exist in International Arbitration?" (listopad 2021 r.)
środa, 10 lutego 2021
Call for applications: Seasonal School "EU Crises and Post-Brexit Integration (Crossroads)" (online, kwiecień 2021 r.)
wtorek, 9 lutego 2021
Call for applications: Summer School on Labour Migration in the European Union (lipiec 2021 r.)
- The European Pillar of Social Rights
- Migrant Workers’ Socio-Economic Rights
- Agriculture
- Domestic work
poniedziałek, 8 lutego 2021
Call for papers and panels: 2021 SIEL Global Conference "Rethinking Global Economic Governance" (online, lipiec 2021 r.)
- The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on international economic law and policy (trade, investment, finance, intellectual property)
- The role of international economic law and policy in addressing climate change and achieving the UN sustainable development goals
- The future of systems for a rules-based resolution of international trade and investment disputes and the design of new types of remedy for breach of obligations
- New forms of and formats for successful trade and investment negotiations (e.g. EU and UK FTAs, documents relating to the Belt and Road Initiative)
- The impact of regional economic integration (e.g. RCEP, AfCFTA, USMCA, and EU FTAs) and disintegration (e.g. Brexit) on international economic law and policy
- The digitalisation of trade and finance, and the need for innovative international regulation regarding inter alia digital currencies and payments
- Intellectual property and artificial intelligence
- New rules on industrial subsidies and the activities of state-owned enterprises
- Special and differential treatment and the issue of developing country status in international economic institutions
- Trade and gender
- Trade, investment and corporate responsibility along the supply chain.
niedziela, 7 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Second Annual Workshop on Research Methods in Fundamental Rights (online, czerwiec 2021 r.)
sobota, 6 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Trade, Law and Development
- E-commerce
- Artificial Intelligence
- Implications for Trade Facilitation
- Blockchain
- Data Protection and Security
- Competitiveness and Digital Taxation
- Digital Divide between Advanced Economies and Developing World
- Impact on Investment
- Trade Policy
- Implications for Gender Equality
wtorek, 2 lutego 2021
Call for papers: Forced Migration Review
- Monitoring, addressing and mitigating public health risks in contexts of displacement – in emergencies (including on the move), protracted situations, and in urban or rural contexts.
- Community engagement in public health and WASH services: participation in design, maintenance and running of facilities and services.
- Inclusion of displaced persons in national public health/WASH systems and in planning and monitoring around health-related Sustainable Development Goals.
- Communication, awareness-raising and use of ICT in public health, including alert systems, registration, monitoring, public health messaging, provision of translation and interpreting, and use of social media and other digital channels.
- Data gathering, interpretation and sharing.
- Identifying and addressing needs in provision of supplies, infrastructure, staffing and training.
- Applying learning from the impact of and response to COVID-19 and epidemics such as cholera and Ebola in areas of preparedness, prevention and response.
- The extent to which considerations of gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, language and ability to pay are taken into account in assessing vulnerabilities and protection needs relating to the provision of public health and WASH in contexts of displacement.