piątek, 12 lutego 2016

Call for papers: Designing Legitimacy in International Organizations (Florencja, czerwiec 2016)

European University Institute we Florencji zaprasza do przesyłania propozycji referatów na warsztaty badawcze zatytułowane "Designing Legitimacy in International Organizations", które odbędą się 7 czerwca 2016 r. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowanie następującymi tematami: 
  • How do IO design and legitimacy interact?: (i) What design strategies can be used to enhance institutional legitimacy? Which designs are best matched to which legitimacy problems? (ii) How can we empirically assess the effects of institutional design elements on legitimacy? What do empirical studies tell us about the relative importance of different theorized sources of legitimation? (iii) When and why might strategies for enhancing legitimacy through design undermine the achievement of legitimacy?
  • How and when is IO legitimacy independent of design?: (i)Why do similar institutional designs have varying levels of empirical legitimacy in different contexts? (ii) What factors independent of design are critical for explaining variation in institutional legitimacy? (iii) Under what conditions can international organizations successfully seek legitimation in the absence of changes to their institutional design? i.e. through practices or discourse, by cultivating connections to civil society, etc.
Propozycje referatów (maksymalnie do 300 słów) można przesyłać do 25 lutego 2016 r. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.

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