Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Oslo zaprasza na interdyscyplinarną konferencję poświęconą migracji, która odbędzie się pod hasłem "Vulnerability, Protection, and Agency", w dniach 24-25 maja 2018 r. w Oslo.
Przykładowe tematy, które Organizatorzy chcą poruszyć w trakcie konferencji to:
Accountability mechanisms for extra-territorial action by States, IOs, NGOs, and corporate actors
- Addressing Transparency challenges
- Strengthening application of the principle of non-discrimination
- Protection issues related to use of technology (including drones, biometrics, etc.)
- The economy of private security companies and corporate detention facilities
- The impact of the counter-terrorism and counter violent extremism regimes upon migration management
- The special situation of children
- Gendered vulnerabilities to harm and exploitation en route
Towards de-construction of walls (literal and metaphorical)
- Combating the impact of media and social networks upon levels of xenophobia and immigration reforms
- How migrants use technology and social media to maintain agency
- Strategies for enabling IDPs and other “trapped” groups to seek protection
- Contestation of restriction or limitation of welfare rights of migrants
- Ideas for strengthening the role and access of legal aid organizations and increasing legal competence among NGOs working with migration
- Detention and Deportation- procedures, actors, and protection concerns
- Tactics of “conscientious objection” by case workers, teachers, asylum officers, etc.
New interpretations for protection standards across or beyond normative regimes
- The interface between migration law and Law of the Sea
- The lack of ratification of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees -grounding the right to flee or law of asylum in human rights law or customary international law
- How do UNHCR/IOM/and NGOs provide international protection spaces outside of the treaty regime?
- Understanding the complementary and contradictory output of courts and tribunals and human rights bodies (international, regional, and national)
- Fragmentation within regional and national bureaucracies and courts managing migration
- The impact of approaches to combat smuggling and trafficking on protection
- Whether cuts to development aid negatively impact “root causes” prevention strategies?
- What lessons have been learned and how can this influence the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework?
Zgłoszenie (abstrakt do 300 słów i CV) należy przesłać na adresy mailowe
cecilia.bailliet@jus.uio.no i
s.h.flolo@nchr.uio.no do 15 grudnia br. Organizatorzy planują wydanie publikacji z tekstami z konferencji. Możliwe jest uzyskanie grantów podróżnych (prośbę o taki grant należy wskazać w zgłoszeniu na konferencję). Więcej informacji można znaleźć