niedziela, 27 sierpnia 2017

Call for papers: The 1917 Russian Revolution and Its Impact on Law: International and Comparative Perspectives (Sankt Petersburg, październik 2017 r.)

Państwowy Uniwersytet w Sankt Petersburgu, European Society of International Law i Threefold Legal Advisors LLC zapraszają na warsztaty poświęcone znaczeniu rewolucji z 1917 r. dla prawa międzynarodowego, które odbędą się 21 października br. na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu w Sankt Petersburgu.
Organizatorzy zainteresowani są w szczególności następującą problematyką referatów:
  • How did the 1917 Revolution transform the international law system? How do the international legal norms that emerged from the 1917 Revolution function today?
  • What was the impact of the 1917 Revolution on contemporary Russian approaches to international law?
  • How did the 1917 Revolution’s influence domestic law and policies of various countries in the first half of the XX century? Why has one country’s historical event affected the whole world?
  • How has the 1917 Revolution influenced Soviet law compared to other legal systems? Is its impact still present in Russian law?
  • What mechanisms related to revolution has international law developed? Is it efficient in countering or containing revolution?
  • Was the 1917 Revolution a Marxist revolution? What was the influence of the 1917 Revolution on the Western left in the XX century?
  • Is there a place for philosophy in studying historical events like the 1917 Revolution and its legal impact? Should the interdisciplinary approach be adopted when studying the revolution?
  • How did the 1917 Revolution develop the Russian identity? Is it possible to objectively evaluate the 1917 events a hundred years later or is the red and white division inevitable?
  • The 1917 Revolution and Soviet totalitarianism: was the turn to totalitarianism unavoidable?
  • What is the value of fiction against the legal documents and non-fiction literature in understanding the 1917 Revolution?
  • Gaps in studying the 1917 Revolution – is there still information not available for research?
Warsztaty odbędą się w języku angielskim. Zgłoszenia (abstrakt o długości 500-1500 słów oraz krótka notka biograficzna do 250 słów) należy nadsyłać na adres do 15 września 2017 r.

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