środa, 21 lutego 2018

Call for papers: LCIL Workshop: Complicity and Exclusion from Asylum (Cambridge, czerwiec 2018 r.)

The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, działające przy Uniwersytecie w Cambridge, zaprasza na warsztaty "Complicity and Exclusion from Asylum", które odbędą się 29 czerwca br.
Tematy wystąpień, którymi Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani to:
  • What has been, and should be, the evidentiary basis for a finding of complicity under Article 1F of the 1951 Convention? 
  • What has been, and should be, the international standard for the legal test of ‘serious reasons for considering’ under Article 1F? 
  • Is there an internationally agreed upon standard of proof for a refugee applicant to be excluded from refugee protection on the ground of being complicit in serious international crimes, serious non-political crimes, or for being guilty of actions contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN? What is it? What should it be? 
  • What is the lower threshold for what constitutes complicity in the commission of serious international crimes for the purposes of exclusion from refugee protection? How does it compare to the threshold of complicity in other areas of international law? 
  • What are the obstacles to prosecuting people who have been excluded from refugee status on the ground of being complicit in serious international crimes?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów i biografia kandydata do 100 słów) należy przesyłać do 30 marca na adres jcs206@cam.ac.uk.
Opłata za udział w warsztatach wynosi 20 funtów (15 funtów dla studentów)
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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