niedziela, 22 kwietnia 2018

Call for papers: Workshop "Taking Stock of Global Constitutionalism – To What Extent did it Really Change International Law?" (Amsterdam, listopad 2018 r.)

Do 15 czerwca br. można przesyłać zgłoszenia na warsztaty zatytułowane "Taking Stock of Global Constitutionalism – To What Extent did it Really Change International Law?", które odbędą się w dniu 29 listopada 2018 r. w Amsterdamie, jako część konferencji Research School Ius Commune.

Cele warsztatów określono następująco: Over the past twenty years or so the study of international law has been confronted with an abundant attention for ‘constitutionalism’. The main reason was that international law had changed, at least in the eyes of its observers. No longer was international law a law between states; it had become a law within states, with a clear impact on individuals, for example rules on terrorism and on climate change. This workshop aims to collect papers that either clearly confirm that these developments (or at least our perception of them) have indeed changed the nature and/or the study of international law, or that argue that in the end nothing really changed in the nature or the study of international law.

Propozycję wystąpienia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesłać na adres: r.a.wessel(at)

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