Católica Global School of Law zaprasza na konferencję pt. "Socially Responsible Foreign Investment under International Law", która odbędzie się w dniach 24-25 października 2019 r. w Lizbonie.
Przykładowe tematy, które Organizatorzy chcieliby poruszyć w trakcie konferencji to:
- Business and human rights, including the assessment of the application of human rights in horizontal relations or the protection of consumers’ rights;
- Investment transparency, including the necessary procedural transparency and the adoption of good governance practices, anti-corruption standards;
- Environmental standards, including environmental stewardship, the protection of biodiversity, climate justice, and investor’s ex ante and ex post responsibility;
- Investor-State arbitration and socially responsible investments;
- Universal civil jurisdiction against corporations and the jurisdiction of parent States of transnational corporations;
- Social impact bonds and the promotion of fair trade and sustainable development;
- Compliance, accountability, and enforcement of socially responsible standards, including State and corporate due diligence.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów i CV autora, ze wskazaniem afiliacji i tego, czy autor jest członkiem ESIL) należy przesyłać do 15 kwietnia br. na adres investmentconference2019(at)
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