wtorek, 20 sierpnia 2019

Call for papers: Cornell Conference in Philosophy of Law (Itaka, maj 2020 r.)

W dniach 15-17 maja 2020 r. w na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu Cornella odbędzie się pierwsza edycja Cornell Conference in Philosophy of Law.  Organizatorzy zainteresowani są zwłaszcza następującymi tematami:
  • The metaphysics of rules and rule-following,
  • The nature and grounds of legality
  • The structure of norms of legal and political importance
  • Metaethics and its relevance to general or specific jurisprudence
  • Any work in normative ethics or applied ethics of relevance to law and policy
  • Philosophical examination of important concepts invoked in law, such as foreseeability, causation, intentionality, and reasonableness.
  • Logic, probability theory, and their application to legal reasoning
  • The interpretation and justification of standards of proof
  • Philosophy of science, scientific deference, and the use of science in law
  • Philosophical examination of economic methods and analysis in jurisprudence
  • Vagueness, language, and the law
  • Experimental philosophy and jurisprudence
  • Philosophical analysis of particular legal areas such as torts or contracts
  • Philosophy of criminal law (responsibility, punishment, etc.)
Zanonimizowane abstrakty można przesyłać do 31 grudnia br. na adres cornellconference(at)gmail.com. Organizatorzy pokrywają koszty podróży i zakwaterowania. Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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