wtorek, 2 czerwca 2020

Call for papers: Workshop "International Patron-Client Relations in Secessionist Conflicts: Empirical Insights and Conceptual Innovations​" (Zamki Dornburga, październik 2020 r.)

Uniwersytet Friedricha Schillera w Jenie organizuje w dniach 1-4 października br. warsztaty pt. "International Patron-Client Relations in Secessionist Conflicts: Empirical Insights and Conceptual Innovations​", które odbędą się na zamkach Dornburga. 
Tematy wystąpień mogą dotyczyć m.in. następującej problematyki:
  • Identification of patrons and clients in a conflict (agency): patrons are mostly assumed to be states supporting secessionists. However, similar roles might also be assumed by IGOs or NGOs, such as diasporas or human rights groups; and patrons might also support central governments. Conversely, clients are rarely just puppets, but agents with distinct preferences and varying degrees of autonomy. Identifying patrons and clients presupposes definitional clarity.
  • The balance of dependence, autonomy, and control (or power) between patrons and clients: this varies among dyads and over time (symmetry).
  • The motives why patrons support clients despite the drain of resources this implies and the motives why clients seek the support of patrons despite the autonomy loss this entails (motives).
  • The types, degrees, and duration of tangible and intangible resources patrons and clients exchange: this varies strongly over time and across cases (resource exchange).
  • The effect patron-client relations have on the course and the outcome of secessionist conflicts (impact): scholars widely assume that such support can tip the balance in favour of secessionists while a lack thereof dooms a secessionist bid to failure. They also assume that such relations influence the conflict calculus of the conflict parties. However, they hardly ever consider different degrees of support over time and across cases, support for central governments, and (methodological) challenges of measuring the effectiveness of support.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 600-800 słów, list motywacyjny i CV) należy przesyłać do 5 czerwca br.
Organizatorzy pokrywają wszystkie koszty związane z udziałem w warsztatach.
Jeśli pandemia nie pozwoli na organizację wydarzenia w październiku br., warsztaty zostaną przesunięte na luty 2021 r.
Przewidywana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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