czwartek, 10 września 2020

Call for papers + konurs dla młodych naukowców: PWPM - Problemy Współczesnego Prawa Międzynarodowego, Europejskiego i Porównawczego

Redakcja PWPM – Problemy Współczesnego Prawa Międzynarodowego, Europejskiego i Porównawczego zaprasza do przesyłania tekstów z zakresu prawa międzynarodowego, unijnego oraz porównawczego do publikacji w numerze XVIII (2020), który planujemy wydać w lutym/marcu 2021. 

Na zgłoszenia, które zostaną wzięte po uwagę przy kompletowaniu najbliższego numeru (vol. XVIII, 2020), czekamy do 15 listopada 2020. 

Jednocześnie z aktualnym Call for papers redakcja ogłosiła również konkurs dla młodych naukowców. Informacja o konkursie (w j. angielskim) wraz z linkiem do Regulaminu znajduje się poniżej.

International competition for young academics and scholars


The editorial board of the PWPM is pleased to announce an international competition for young academics and scholars for an outstanding academic article in one or more relevant fields: international law, EU law, and comparative law. Papers submitted to the competition should be written in English. 

The competition is open to all (no territorial restrictions apply) young researchers (defined as a person not older than 35) who conduct scientific research in the areas covered by the journal. The winning papers will be published in the PWPM and the authors of the two best articles will receive cash prizes. 

The cash prizes for the authors of the two best articles are 1st prize – €500; 2nd prize – €300

All submissions will be considered for publication under the general rules applied by the journal. First, reviewers will be asked to supplement reviews with their assessment of the paper on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 means – very bad and 10 means outstanding). Then out of the papers submitted for the competition and accepted for publication three that receive the best scores from both reviewers will be selected. The Jury Panel consisting of three members of the Scientific Board of the journal will be responsible for selecting the prize-winning papers.

In evaluation members of the jury will be taking into account: the impact of the paper on the development of relevant fields of law, the methodology of the research conducted, the novelty of the research topic, the quality and clarity of the scientific argument, and the demonstrated knowledge of the subject literature.

All details about the competition can be found in the Rules.

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