sobota, 5 grudnia 2020

Call for papers: International Human Rights Courts and Bodies at the Edge of the Climate Tipping Point (online, czerwiec 2021 r.)

W dniach 9-10 czerwca 2021 r. odbędą się online warsztaty pt. "International Human Rights Courts and Bodies at the Edge of the Climate Tipping Point". 
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących tematów:
- The distinction between present harm and risk of harm.
- Climate litigation and the greening of human rights.
- Non-justiciable rights in climate litigation.
- Rights of non-humans and future generations in climate litigation.
- Climate litigation in the context of vulnerable segments of the population.
- The problems pertaining to transboundary climate harm, jurisdiction, causation, attribution and remedies in human rights law
- The convergence and divergence between climate justice concerns and human rights-based climate litigation.
- Aspects of decolonization and TWAIL in climate litigation.
- The legitimacy of international courts and bodies in addressing the climate crisis.
- Methods of legal interpretation in international human rights-based climate litigation.
- Dynamics of legal mobilization in climate litigation.
- Reactive human rights-based climate litigation – i.e. human rights complaints concerning wind farms and climate policies.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 10 stycznia 2021 r.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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