piątek, 9 kwietnia 2021

Call for abstracts: Responsibility of international organizations

Redaktorzy pracy zbiorowej pt. "The Responsibility of International Organizations – Past, Present and Future" zapraszają do przesyłania propozycji tekstów do niej. Mogą one dotyczyć m.in. następującej problematyki:
  • Conceptualising the scope, application and effectiveness of ARIO in theory and practice: past, present and future trends.
  • Responsibility of international organizations: selected case studies, comparative perspectives and implications for the development of the law of international organizations
  • Western and non-Western approaches to the theory of responsibility of international organizations
  • The responsibility of regional international organizations, regional approaches and the question of lex specialis
  • Dual or multiple responsibility: questions of shared responsibility of international organizations and States, responsibility of a State in connection with the conduct of an international organization
  • Implementation of the responsibility of international organizations
Abstrakty proponowanych tekstów (do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 30 kwietnia br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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