Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć m.in. następujących tematów:
- Nature of interest to be pursued (e.g. global public goods and common interest norms),
- Nature of the process and decision-making (ownership, rules-based, influence, transparency, democratic etc.)
- Nature of outcome of the process (e.g. to achieve a result or stimulate process, or binding or non-binding decisions)
- Independence and accountability (i.e. legitimacy), in particular with regard to election and composition, and professional standards, and procedural rules
- Why and under which circumstances NCM are set up
- Which ”legal interests” or ”cases” or ”issues” are more prone to ”in-house” processes than to adjudication? (e.g. questions of capacity or financial constraints, prevention of non-compliance, issues pertaining to collective interests/global commons)?
- What is the relationship between the ambition expressed in primary treaty rules? agreement on compliance approach, and the level of compliance?
- Differences between facilitation and deterrence/ enforcement; and their consequences.
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