piątek, 7 maja 2021

Call for papers: PluriCourts Research Conference on Compliance Mechanisms (październik 2021 r.)

PluriCourts organizuje w październiku 2021 r. konferencję pt. “International Courts versus Compliance Mechanisms: Comparative advantages of non-compliance mechanisms and complaint procedures”.
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć m.in. następujących tematów:
  1. Nature of interest to be pursued (e.g. global public goods and common interest norms),
  2. Nature of the process and decision-making (ownership, rules-based, influence, transparency, democratic etc.)
  3. Nature of outcome of the process (e.g. to achieve a result or stimulate process, or binding or non-binding decisions)
  4. Independence and accountability (i.e. legitimacy), in particular with regard to election and composition, and professional standards, and procedural rules
  5. Why and under which circumstances NCM are set up
  6. Which ”legal interests” or ”cases” or ”issues” are more prone to ”in-house” processes than to adjudication? (e.g. questions of capacity or financial constraints, prevention of non-compliance, issues pertaining to collective interests/global commons)?
  7. What is the relationship between the ambition expressed in primary treaty rules? agreement on compliance approach, and the level of compliance?
  8. Differences between facilitation and deterrence/ enforcement; and their consequences.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów) należy przesyłać do 30 czerwca br.
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