wtorek, 29 czerwca 2021

Call for papers: “International Justice: Looking to the Future” (online, wrzesień 2021 r.)

W dniach 23-24 września br. odbędzie się konferencja online pt. “International Justice: Looking to the Future”.
Organizatorzy planują następujące tematy paneli podczas konferencji:
1) Interaction between International and National Courts: Competition, Resistance, Cooperation, or a Mixture?(the contours of a new model or models of the relationship between international and national courts);
2) European Court of Human Rights: Between Judicial Diplomacy and Principled Resistance(Reform of the ECtHR: its outcomes and perspectives; evolutive interpretation of the Convention and its limits; execution of the ECtHR judgments; relationships between the ECtHR and other international as well as domestic courts);
3) International Criminal Justice as a Field for Reforms (reform of the ICC, new “hybrid” and specialized tribunals, regional criminal justice, expansion of subject-matter jurisdiction beyond the core international crimes and traditional actors);
4) Settlement of Trade Disputes: Regionalism vs Multilateralism (dispute settlement crisis of the multilateral trading system; the role of regionalism and its relationship with the WTO regime);
5) Investment Disputes: a Hard Road Ahead (tracks for the reforming of the investor-state dispute settlement system).
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 800 słów wraz z CV i listą publikacji) należy przesyłać do 30 lipca br.
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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