- International trade law and policy
- International investment law and policy
- Trans-border dispute resolution
- International financial law
- Global competition law
- PMP w filmie (2)
- Seminarium PPM (18)
- call for applications (96)
- call for authors (23)
- call for papers (1161)
- konkurs (53)
- materiały (40)
- oferta pracy (46)
- stypendium (28)
- szkoła letnia (83)
- video (26)
- warsztaty (165)
sobota, 31 lipca 2021
Call for submissions: International Trade Law Journal
piątek, 30 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Law (online, października 2021 r.)
- Papers (2.500-10.000 słów)
- Policy Analysis (5.000-10.000 słów)
- Indian Diplomacy and Artificial Intelligence
- International AI Governance
- Disruptive Artificial Intelligence & Conflict and Development Economics
czwartek, 29 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie
środa, 28 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Captured by the Past (Gandawa, styczeń 2021 r.)
Organizatorzy chcieliby, aby referaty odpowiadały na następujące pytania:
• Monuments from the cultural heritage and human rights perspectives: is there a right to destroy?
• Monuments as government speech: what are the limits?
• Monuments and the rule of law: what are the legal standards for memory policies and public commemorative practices in a democracy?
Planowana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 500-800 słów wraz z biogramem do 200 słów) należy przesyłać do 25 września br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
piątek, 23 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law
czwartek, 22 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Method, methodology and critique in international law (grudzień 2021 r.)
Więcej informacji na temat ich problematyki można znaleźć tutaj.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 300-600 słów) należy przesyłać do 31 lipca br.
środa, 21 lipca 2021
Call for applications: International Summer School on AI on the trail of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
- Introduction to Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law
- Technical Background on AI and Fundamental Concepts
- AI Governance
- Global South Perspectives on AI
- Introduction to AI and Human Rights
- Human Rights Implicated by AI
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Freedom of Expression
- Social Rights
- Data Rights and Intellectual Property
- AI, Discrimination, and Vulnerable Groups
- AI and Surveillance
- AI and Content Moderation & Curation
- Human Rights Compliance In Practice: AI and Human Rights Impact Assessments
- AI Regulation in Europe
- AI Policy and Compliance
- Perspectives from Civil Society and Private Sector Companies
- AI and Creativity
wtorek, 20 lipca 2021
Konkurs studencki: cross-examination moot
Zapisy na I edycję konkursu (na którą zniesiono opłaty wpisowe) możliwe są do 31 sierpnia b.r.
Szczegółowe informacje dostęne tu.
Rejestracja zespołów i kandydatów na arbitrów tutaj.
Call for papers: Religious Actors & Humanitarian Norms Compliance in Armed Conflict: Roles, Influence, Engagement (online, grudzień 2021 r.)
poniedziałek, 19 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Towards a Global Legal Framework in Harmony and Peace with Nature (Madryt, listopad 2021 r.)
niedziela, 18 lipca 2021
Call for papers: The Intentional Destruction of the Cultural Heritage of Mankind – what are the remedies under international law? (grudzień 2021 r.)
sobota, 17 lipca 2021
Call for abstracts: 2021 Global Food Governance Conference (online, grudzień 2021 r.)
piątek, 16 lipca 2021
Call for papers: International Law Without International Courts: Looking to History and Considering the Future (Waszyngton, grudzień 2021 r.)
piątek, 9 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Australian Year Book of International Law
- Scholar;
- Educator;
- Role in institutional law reform and codification efforts (eg. Australian Law Reform Commission and the International Law Commission);
- Legal Advisor;
- Counsel (especially reflections on his oral or written advocacy);
- Arbitrator; and,
- Judge.
czwartek, 8 lipca 2021
Call for submissions: Symposium On International Pandemic Lawmaking
- how can international lawmaking on pandemic response align itself with constitutional and other internal norms, as well as international human rights obligations, regarding the right to health and related economic and social rights?
- how can international lawmaking on pandemic response strengthen global health governance in ways that mitigate, rather than reinforce, colonialist structures?
- how can a pandemic treaty address the needs for sharing scientific research and pooling technology and know-how in diagnostics, therapeutics, and potential vaccines in future epidemics, and how might it address potential conflicts with the TRIPS agreement?
- how can international lawmaking advance financing mechanisms for resilient health systems and pandemic preparedness that go beyond rhetorical invocations of solidarity and avoid the pitfalls of previous models of development finance?
- how can international lawmaking best incentivize transparency and guarantee independent verification?
- what provisions, procedures, and mechanisms are best suited for enforcement of an instrument on pandemic preparedness?
- how can international lawmaking more effectively address and limit the use of extraordinary powers invoked in the name of public health, which have been widely abused during COVID-19?
- to grant legitimacy to the process of international lawmaking, what are the minimum requirements for representation and participation from varied constituencies (including civil society) both within and across countries of differing resource levels?
środa, 7 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Looking from the Outside In: Evaluating IHL from Other Normative Perspectives (Jerozolima, listopad 2021 r.)
poniedziałek, 5 lipca 2021
Nabór kandydatów na stanowisko polskiego sędziego TS UE
W związku z dobiegającą końca kadencją Sędzie TS UE prof. Marka Safjana, Minister do Spraw Unii Europejskiej rozpoczął procedurę wyłaniania kandydata (RP, Rusza procedura wyłaniania kandydata na polskiego sędziego TSUE).
Termin składania aplikacji podobno upływa 19 lipca br. Garść informacji nt. procedury uzyskało Biuro RPO (Rząd do RPO: rusza procedura wyłaniania kandydata na polskiego sędziego TSUE), które o transparentność postępowania zabiega już od zeszłego roku (Procedury wyłaniania kandydata z Polski na sędziego TSUE. Adam Bodnar ponownie pisze do premiera).
Zob. także: Rekomendacja Komitetu ds. wyboru sędziów ETPCz ws. odrzucenia polskich kandydatów
piątek, 2 lipca 2021
Call for papers: Contemporary Issues in Outer Space Law Virtual Conference (online, wrzesień 2021 r.)
- perceived gaps in the international space law framework and Australian and New Zealand interests in filling those gaps, including scientific, commercial, national security, military, broader governmental, public and generational interests;
- analogies from the regulation of other domains (particularly the global commons of airspace, the high seas, the deep seabed, the polar regions, cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum);
- the current initiatives and methods to develop space law.