czwartek, 8 lipca 2021

Call for submissions: Symposium On International Pandemic Lawmaking

Bill of Health oraz Verfassungsblog organizują sympozjum pt. "International Pandemic Lawmaking".
Teksty mogą dotyczyć następujących zagadnień:
  • how can international lawmaking on pandemic response align itself with constitutional and other internal norms, as well as international human rights obligations, regarding the right to health and related economic and social rights?
  • how can international lawmaking on pandemic response strengthen global health governance in ways that mitigate, rather than reinforce, colonialist structures?
  • how can a pandemic treaty address the needs for sharing scientific research and pooling technology and know-how in diagnostics, therapeutics, and potential vaccines in future epidemics, and how might it address potential conflicts with the TRIPS agreement?
  • how can international lawmaking advance financing mechanisms for resilient health systems and pandemic preparedness that go beyond rhetorical invocations of solidarity and avoid the pitfalls of previous models of development finance?
  • how can international lawmaking best incentivize transparency and guarantee independent verification?
  • what provisions, procedures, and mechanisms are best suited for enforcement of an instrument on pandemic preparedness?
  • how can international lawmaking more effectively address and limit the use of extraordinary powers invoked in the name of public health, which have been widely abused during COVID-19?
  • to grant legitimacy to the process of international lawmaking, what are the minimum requirements for representation and participation from varied constituencies (including civil society) both within and across countries of differing resource levels?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 200 słów wraz z notką biograficzną do 100 słów) należy przesyłać do 19 lipca.
Wybrani autorzy będą zaproszeni do przesłania tekstów o objętości do 1000 słów, a zainteresowni będą mogli rozwinąć swoje prace w ramach Max Planck Research Paper Series.
Więcej informacji znajduje się tutaj.

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