Università degli Studi di Milano zaprasza do udziału w konferencji zatytułowanej "Business and Human Rights: International Law Challenges, European Responses", która odbędzie się w Mediolanie w dniach od 29 do 30 maja 2017 r. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
- The implementation in Europe of the international legal instruments and principles on B&HR;
- The European contribution to the development of international principles on B&HR;
- The implementation in Europe of the Sustainable Development Goals and the relationship existing with B&HR;
- The EU and domestic frameworks on CSR and their relationship with the international legal framework on B&HR;
- National Action Plans (NAPs) implementing the UNGPs in Europe;
- The UNGPs’ State duty to protect human rights, as interpreted and applied by the EU, the Council of Europe, and/or by European countries;
- Legislation addressing corporate behavior and the provision for a human rights due diligence process in Europe;
- Access to remedies within Europe;
- The implementation of the OECD Guidelines and the relevant practice developed by the National Contact Points established in Europe;
- The EU private international legal framework on B&HR, its application and the related case law;
- The implications for B&HR of the EU trade and investment policy (including the negotiation/conclusion of: Free Trade Agreements, Economic Partnership Agreements and/or Investment Agreements/Chapters);
- Public/private partnerships as a means to promote respect for human rights in Europe.
Propozycje referatów (maksymalnie 600 słów) można przesyłać do 31 stycznia 2017 r. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.
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