Athens Public International Law Center wraz z partnerami zaprasza do udziału w kolokwium zatytułowanym "International Investment Law & the Law of Armed Conflict", które odbędzie się w dniach 5 oraz 6 października 2017 r. w Atenach. Organizatorzy są szczególnie zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
- Unlawful seizures of territory in inter-state and investor-state arbitration proceedings
- ‘War clauses’ in investment treaties
- ‘Essential security interests’ exceptions in investment treaties
- Force majeure, military necessity and other circumstances precluding wrongfulness in investment claims involving armed conflict
- Protection and security standards and due diligence obligations of host states during armed conflict
- Obligations under investment treaties relating to pre-conflict military activities by host states
- Denial of benefits in case of armed conflict
- Systemic overlaps between investment protection law and international criminal law arising from investment relations with entities engaged in armed conflict
- Armed conflict and the role of administering institutions in investment arbitration
- Divergence and convergence between international investment law and the law of belligerent occupation
- Implications of armed conflict for jurisdiction and admissibility in investor-state arbitration (e.g. territory, nationality, state succession etc.)
- The effect of economic sanctions on investors’ rights and investment arbitration proceedings
- OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: towards a socially responsible investment law?
- Termination and suspension of investment treaties as a consequence of armed conflict
- Investment arbitrators’ mandate vis-a-vis the obligation not to recognize as ‘lawful’ a situation created by an illegal use of force and/or the acquisition or occupation of territory
- Transnational (or truly international) public policy and investment arbitration in claims involving armed conflict
- Recognition and enforcement of investment arbitral awards stemming from cases involving armed conflict
- Scope for judicial dialogue and cross-fertilization between the investment protection and armed conflict regimes
Propozycje referatów można przesyłać do 15 marca 2016 r. Więcej szczegółów można znaleźć tu.
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