niedziela, 23 września 2018

Call for papers: Global Human Rights at Risk? Challenges, Prospects, and Reforms (Haga, czerwiec 2019 r.)

W dniach 6-7 czerwca 2019 r. w Hadze odbędzie się interdyscyplinarne seminarium pt. "Global Human Rights at Risk? Challenges, Prospects, and Reforms".
Niektóre z tematów, które Organizatorzy seminarium chcieliby poruszyć to:
  • What are some of the most serious and key challenges affecting the legitimacy and effectiveness of international human rights norms?
  • What are the plausible causes of the rise of illiberal and authoritarian discourses in in the global and national mainstream public spheres? How and in what ways do these discourses and challenges relate to international human rights norms?
  • What are the key limitations and milestones of post-Second World War international human rights norms — particularly in terms of its conceptual basis, historical appreciation, and normative underpinnings?
  • What constitutes a human rights violation or abuse, as dictated by contemporary international human rights regime? How and in what ways do these conceptions promote interests of some actors while undermining others?
  • How and in what ways does the current human rights regime systematically exclude the contributions of actors from the Global South in the establishment thereof?
  • Does the contemporary international human rights regime need a radical reform? If so, what constitutes radical reform?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 350 słów i notka biograficzna do 150 słów) można przesyłać do 15 listopada br. na adres
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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