Hochschule für Politik/School of Governance, działająca przy Technical University of Munich, organizuje w dniach 28-29 listopada br. warsztaty pt. "Power Sharing or Power Shifts? Examining the role of public-private interactions in global governance". Zaproszenie skierowane jest do młodych naukowców, zarówno doktorantów, jak i osób po doktoracie.
Pytania, które stawiają Organizatorzy warsztatów to:
- How do the principles of effectiveness and accountability fare in the context of private, public and hybrid types of governance? In what ways and to what extent do civil society actors influence these principles in the above contexts?
- To what extent does the rise of private governance and its implications for the exercise of public power strain democratic states, and what implications does this have for democracy?
- Which strategies can be employed to ensure that industry-led standard-setting processes produce standards that reflect public, not merely private, interests? How are these standards developed, and are they considered legitimate by public actors and civil society?
- How do public actors engage with and mobilize expertise for various governance functions, and how have different processes for mobilizing expertise influenced governance outcomes?
- In what ways can public-private collaboration contribute to addressing the global goals that a majority of countries have agreed to achieve in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement?
Zgłoszenia (tytuł wystąpienia, abstrakt do 500 słów i CV) można przesyłać do 30 września br. na adres gzgovworkshop@gov.tum.de.
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