sobota, 7 września 2019

Call for papers: Seminar on Strategic Litigation on Occupational Health and Safety (Bruksela, styczeń 2020 r.)

Health and Safety and Working Conditions Unit, działająca przy European Trade Union Institute, organizuje w dniach 15-16 stycznia br. seminarium pt. "Strategic Litigation on Occupational Health and Safety". Seminarium ma skupiać się na następującej problematyce:

1) European level:
- Overview and analysis of the litigation activity before the CJEU until now;
- Exploration of the potential for further action before the CJEU.

2) National level:
- Exploration of litigation activity under national legislation on OSH in 3-5 Member States;
- Exemplary cases in different fields of law (criminal law, civil law, labor law, social security law, liability law);
- Victims testimonies;
- Litigation strategies, either explicit or implicit, covering the following aspects: aims, risks, chances, positive or negative side-effects;
- What can trade unionists, lawyers and academics from different Member States learn from each other? Strategies, practices, rationale behind cases, legal reasoning in cases, etc.

Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 300-500 słów) należy przesyłać do 15 września br. na następujące adresy: mschaapman(at) oraz lvogel(at) (DW dschwan(at) Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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