W ramach IV Sofia Legal Science Week w dniach 27-28 marca 2020 r. odbędzie się konferencja pt. "Law and Revolution". Tematy, które interesują Organizatorów to:
- The impact of information and technology revolution on the legal and constitutional orders;
- Unconstitutional constitutional amendments;
- Comparative constitutional change and constitutional transitions;
- Revolutionary constitutionalism – the tension between liberal and radical democratic constitutionalism;
- Law, revolution and constitutional populism
- Sovereignty and revolution
- Different approaches to law and revolution – methodology and conceptual analysis
- Secession and revolutionary territoriality politics (including Brexit)
- Inequality and its revolutionary impact on constitutional law
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać za pośrednictwem formularza do 15 listopada br. na adres martinbelov(at)yahoo.com. Więcej infromacji można znaleźć tutaj.
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