niedziela, 5 lipca 2020

Call for papers: The Institution of the House of Representatives (1960-2020) (Cypr, listopad 2020 r.)

Izba Reprezentantów Republiki Cypru i Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Nikozji organizują w dniach 23-24 listopada br. konferencję pt. "The Institution of the House of Representatives (1960-2020)".
Organizatorzy są zainteresowani zwłaszcza następującymi tematami wystąpień:
  1. The Institution of Political Representation: The Constitution of the National Parliament.
  2. Electoral Process and Parliamentarianism: Normative Interactions between the Will of the People and the Parliament.
  3. The Principle of Independent Mandate and the Conduct of Parliamentary Affairs.
  4. Parliamentary Autonomy.
  5. The Institution of the President of the House of Representatives.
  6. Comparative Approaches to the Institutional Functions of Parliament: Lessons Learnt from the Commonwealth, the Continent, and the Americas.
  7. The Supremacy of Parliament in Context.
  8. The House of Representatives as the Bearer of the Legislative Competence.
  9. The Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives: Historical Evolution, Legal Nature, Amendments, Interpretation, and Application.
  10. Principles of Better Regulation and Parliamentary Praxis: Legislative Process, Debates, Amendments.
  11. The Legislative Function of the Parliament and Civil Society: From Pressure Groups to Horizontal Institutionalised Dialogues and Parallel Parliaments.
  12. Parliamentary Practice.
  13. The Parliamentary Process: Daily Agenda, Speeches, and Limitations.
  14. Parliamentary Committees: Lessons Learnt from their First Sixty Years.
  15. The House of Representatives as a Foreign Policy Actor.
  16. Parliamentary Diplomacy.
  17. National Parliament qua Supervisory Authority: Instruments and Means of Parliamentary Scrutiny.
  18. The Separation of Powers in the Parliamentary Arena: The Relations between the House of Representatives and the Executive of the Republic.
  19. The House of Representatives and the Constitution.
  20. The Parliamentary Archives: Legal, Historical, and Political Aspects.
  21. Resolutions, Declarations, and Secondary Regulations.
  22. Transparency, Interpretation, and Political Contest: The Minutes of Parliamentary Debates in the House of Representatives.
  23. The House of Representatives and the European Union: Institutional and Political Perspectives.
  24. The Relations between the House of Representatives and the Judiciary.
  25. House of Representatives, Electronic Governance, and Digital Self-Determination
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