sobota, 4 lipca 2020

Call for papers: Thirteenth Annual Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory (online, listopad 2020 r.)

W dniach 26-27 listopada br. Melbourne Law School organizuje po raz trzynasty Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory, w tym roku po tytułem "Sirens + Silences: Law in Lockdown". Wydarzenie odbędzie się w formie online.
Wystąpienia mogą dotyczyć następującej problematyki:
  • Piercing the law’s silences: How do we attune to law’s silences? What are the positivist/formalist, gendered, sexualised, racialised, colonial, and ecological silences within the law and legal ordering? What are possible productive roles of silence in law: for example, the interpretative gap of judicial interpretation, the right to silence, the right to be forgotten.
  • Hearing the law’s sirens: What do sirens announce (and what do they suppress) beneath their deafening noise? How do we sift through the spectacular displays of legal force versus the hidden, slow stressors of legal order: mass incarceration, wage theft, gendered and domestic violence, land grabbing, identity-based discrimination, border control. How can we employ critical race, Indigenous, queer, feminist, political economy and post/decolonial approaches to re-describe law’s sirens?
  • Methods in/of crisis: What are the ways in which our conceptual frameworks and research methods might be transformed by moments of upheaval? When the ground shifts, how do we position ourselves in relation to our work and to the world? How do we navigate new terrains of knowledge and power?
  • The (new?) nomos of crisis: How might we unsettle the boundaries of international, transnational, national and Indigenous legal orders and trouble notions of citizenship, duties and rights? How can we seize moments of crisis to rupture dominant legal discourses, recast legal narratives and build future legalities? Or have we been here before - the treadmill of perpetual crisis?
  • Rewilding critique: How do we interrogate the role of critique, the worlds it helps us to hear, the futures it silences? What is the role and responsibility of critique in our time of crisis?
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 1 września.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej forum.

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