Brunswick European Law School organizuje warsztaty pt. "Emerging Technologies Towards Sustainable Development“, które odbędą się w dniach 28-29 listopada br. w Wolfenbüttel.
Organizatorzy są w szczególności zainteresowani następującymi tematami:
• Emerging technologies and global administrative law. How can previous regulatory frameworks provide a much needed support in terms of regulation?
• Emerging technologies and public administrative law. Should the regulation of these technologies be conducted in the framework of public international law?
• Emerging technologies and private international law. How can private international regulatory frameworks provide a much needed support in terms of regulation?
• Emerging technologies and regulatory frameworks. What kinds of international rules can be adopted in this context?
• Emerging technologies and regulatory structures. What kind of international structure can be created to manage such technologies on the international level?
• Emerging technologies and gender. What is the impact of the new technologies on gender equality and how would new technologies affect such equality?
• Emerging technologies and the multipolar world. How new technologies would change the shape of global politics, international relations etc.?
• Emerging technologies and society. How emerging technologies would affect the different existing societies the same way globalization did and vice-versa and what is the role of the law in this regard?
• Emerging technologies and human rights. Would these new technologies affect human rights and if yes how so?
• Emerging technologies and the field of Business Law, Finance, Human resources and Labour law. What is the impact of emerging technologies on the organisational scheme of business, of doing business as such, recruiting personnel and how would the Service Sector (Insurances, Finance, Transport) be affected by disruptional technologies (Legal Techs), and to what extent is Data protection and the ownership of dates a stepping stone or stumbling block?
• Emerging technologies and the state. Would new technologies surpass the powers of the state in a similar manner that multinational companies have surpassed the powers of many states in developing and Least Developing Countries (LDCs).
• Emerging technologies and sustainable development. What are the contributions of these technologies to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to socio-economic development of LDCs?
• Emerging technologies and intellectual property. Is the current intellectual property regime able to boost innovation while at the meantime further the objectives of the international community?
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt 500-700 słów wraz z CV) należy przesyłać do 1 listopada br. na adres
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