środa, 23 października 2019

Call for papers: Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe (Piza, czerwiec 2020 r.)

W dniach 19-20 czerwca 2020 r. w Pizie odbędzie się konferencja pt. "Gender Based Approaches to the Law and Juris Dictio in Europe" w ramach European Law & Gender Jean Monnet Module.
Organizatorzy są zainteresowani w szczególności następującymi tematami:
- The idea of gender equality in the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty 
- The repercussions of European law on gender equality and non-discrimination on national legal orders (constitutional law; labor, welfare and social security law; contract law and market regulation; property law; family and reproductive law; criminal law) 
- … and vice versa: the impact of national perspectives on equality, non-discrimination and the concept of gender on European Union Law (constitutional law; horizontal effect of fundamental rights; theories of justice; feminist theories) 
- The intersection of gender with identity categories of ethnicity, class, religion, sexuality, age and ability throughout Europe (legal theory; freedom of speech; non-discrimination; contract and market regulation; health law; criminal law) 
- Critical legal conflicts concerning women and marriage, family and reproduction, education, work, healthcare, fundamental rights in Europe (also in an historical perspective) 
- Analyses of CJEU and ECtHR case law on discrimination based on gender and sexuality and its impact on national legal systems 
- Gender litigation in European Member States - Different patterns to equality in the laws of European Member States - Reasons, techniques, and practices of gender mainstreaming within the legislative process 
- The Law and Economics of gender and non-discrimination (economic development, corporate and tax law, welfare and labor law, family law) 
Ogłoszenie jest skierowane do osób do 5 lat po uzyskaniu stopnia doktora.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 400 słów z podstawowymi danymi autora) należy przesyłać do 15 stycznia 2020 r. na adres elan.jm@unipi.it.
Przewidywana jest publikacja pokonferencyjna.
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