W dniach 8-9 czerwca 2020 r. w Glagow odbędzie się druga konferencja będąca wynikiem kolaboracji uniwersytetów w Glasgow i w Edynburgu. Temat konferencji to "International Law and Distribution: Sustainable Development, Security, and the Governance of Resources". Organizatorzy są zainteresowani zwłaszcza następującymi tematami wystąpień:
- International law and the governance of natural resources
- Socio-economic rights at the bilateral, regional and global levels
- Distribution of power within, and by international institutions
- International economic law, development, and distribution
- Distributive effects of knowledge production in international law
- Distributive impacts of the climate change regime
- Access to water and the distribution of water-based resources in international law
- Conflict, security and distributional issues
- Theoretical reflections about distributive role of international law
- Self-determination, nationality and distributions of territory
- SDGs and the sources of international law
- The MDG/SDG Agenda in the UN reform process
- The triple nexus of humanitarian aid, development, & peace-building
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