środa, 15 kwietnia 2020

Call for papers: Journal of Law, Religion and State

Do 1 maja br. można przesyłać teksty do czasopisma "Journal of Law, Religion and State", którego najnowszy numeru będzie poświęcony tematyce religii i koronawirusa. 
Teksty mogą dotyczyć zwłaszcza następujących zagadnień:
1. Safety measures restrict the ability to worship and conduct religious rituals, especially regarding aspects requiring quorum, public attendance and physical contact. 
a. What were/are the restrictions on various religions in various countries, and what should be the limit on such restrictions, in terms of Human Rights? 
b. How did/do religions perceive such state restrictions or regulations? Is there acceptance or opposition? Do religious authorities decree the same or different restrictions? What is the inner-religious process of decision? 
c. More generally – religious sources include multiple, contradicting, attitudes regarding epidemics: from regarding epidemics as part of life to be accepted, to those promoting human efforts to prevent them, cope with them and change the way of life to lower their impact. What are the theological roots of these religious attitudes? And how do the theological convictions interact with practical applications? 
d. How did religions cope with epidemics in the past, within the afore-mentioned attitudes? Did they demand human efforts to beware or urged acceptance of the divine lot? 
2. The Covid-19 crisis raises moral questions regarding the interrelations between the individual and society, for which religions might offer interesting answers. For example: 
a. To the extent the epidemic endangers a relative small and defined group (the elderly and people with preconditions for Covid-19). How much is it justified to restrict the whole society to protect the few? 
b. Regrettably, some do not heed to the safety instructions, and thus endanger others – do they lose their right for help and treatment? Should their behavior influence the allocation of scarce medical resources to them? 
c. What is the religious position on human rights (such as privacy, freedom of movement, access to justice, free speech and fake (medical) news) in the time of epidemics? What is the right balance? 
Artykuły powinny mieć objętość 8.000-10.000 słów.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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