środa, 29 kwietnia 2020

Call for submissions: Blog British Association of Comparative Law

Redakcja blogu prowadzonego przez British Association of Comparative Law zaprasza do przesyłania propozycji postów dotyczących walki z COVID-19 w kontekście prawnoporównawczym.
Teksty powinny dotyczyć następującej problematyki:
  • risks and legal techniques dealing with risks (medical risks, financial risks, travel related risks, mental risks, risks of fake news spreading on social media, risks prevention, risk assessment, torts, etc.) : how does the approach to risks in a given country (or entity) help us better understand globalisation and national cultures? Can different models be identified?
  • comparison on protecting vulnerable people (how vulnerable people are understood in this crisis: this would include the vulnerable categories regarding their physical conditions but also women and domestic violence, the homeless, inmates, refugees etc.). How the World Health Organisation’s definition of ‘vulnerability’ shapes who is understood to be “vulnerable”?
  • comparison with previous experiences of crisis in a given country: current governments often do not reinvent the wheel in dealing with the covid-19 crisis. They go back to previous crises to address the current one. How do they do that? Which types of previous crisis? Is this self-evident regarding the subject-matter (due to being related to a crisis arising from food poisoning or disease) or because of the power needed by the government (state of emergency type of reaction)?
  • research designs (and comparisons) in times of crisis: lessons from elsewhere can be tempting to gain time or to address lack of domestic expertise, but should the government and their experts not make basic checks before looking elsewhere for inspiration? How can/should this be done? Can comparative lawyers contribute to the WHO’s thinking here in the sense that uniform broad guidelines may actually be problematic in various ways as they do not address local specificities (needs or expertise etc.) or how regulators, national government, private organisations develop their short- and longer term responses to the crisis?
Posty powinny mieć ok. 1500 słów. Redakcja wyznaczyła cztery terminy nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15 maja br., 15 września br., 15 marca 2021 r. i 15 września 2021 r.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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