Redakcja Cyprus Review czeka na zgłoszenia na numeru specjalnego pt. "COVID-19 in Doctrinal Context: Analysing, Theorising, and Surpassing the Pandemic Crisis".
Teksty mogą dotyczyć następującej problematyki:
- COVID-19 and the world order
- Law and society in the context of the pandemic
- Social distancing and the social science
- Human rights in the COVID-19 era
- Legal, social, and political notions of the State of Exception
- Biopolitics, necropolitics and State regulation during the crisis
- International organisation and international crisis management
- Humanity, solidarity, and sociability in the times of COVID-19
- EU policies and the pandemic
- Economic, commercial, and financial aspects of the crisis
- Poverty, social exclusion, and the Welfare State during the pandemic
- COVID-19 and the environment
- Spatial and temporal aspects of the pandemic crisis
- Legal and political dimension of the preventive policies implemented
- Threats, challenges, and opportunities for scientific debate in the times of the pandemic
Teksty powinny omawiać wskazane tematy z perspektywy Cypru.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń mija 5 września br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.
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