wtorek, 2 marca 2021

Call for papers: ESIL Interest Group Event “Understanding solidarity under international and EU refugee law: between a rock and a hard place?" (online, kwiecień 2021 r.)

W dniu 15 kwietnia br. ESIL Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law organizuje wydarzenie poprzedzające konferencję ESIL pt. "Understanding solidarity under international and EU refugee law: between a rock and a hard place?".
Organizatorzy chcieliby, aby podczas wydarzenia zostały poruszone następujące tematy:
- Solidarity as a chameleon concept in refugee law: the relationship between fair burden sharing, responsibility-sharing and solidarity;
- Balancing between responsibility and solidarity in migration and asylum: regional perspectives;
- Solidarity as a legal principle in the EU legal order: challenges in the migration/asylum context and the role of courts;
- The New York Declaration, the Global Compact on Refugees and fair burden sharing: is there anything new under the sun?;
- Migration and solidarity in crisis situations: examples, narratives, and normative claims;
- Migration at sea and solidarity: an emerging lex specialis?;
- Criminalization of solidarity with migrants and refugees.
Zgłoszenia (abstrakt do 500 słów wraz z CV) należy przesyłać do 10 marca br.
Więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj.

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