ESIL Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law zaprasza do nadsyłania zgłoszeń na wydarzenie zorganizowane w ramach ESIL Research Forum on ‘The International Rule of Law and Domestic Dimensions: Synergies and Challenges’, które odbędzie się w dniu 3 kwietnia 2019 r. w Getyndze.
W czasie wydarzenia mają zostać poruszone następujące tematy:
- The rule of law and appropriate state responses to migratory movements;
- The place and role of the rule of law in the global migration governance;
- The rule of law and its application/interpretation by domestic and international courts and tribunals, in the context of fundamental rights of migrants and refugees, and/or forcibly displaced persons;
- The rule of law in the reception policies of migrants, refugees and/or forcibly displaced persons;
- The role of regional and international organisations in supporting the rule of law in national legal, administrative and judicial processes, when dealing with migration issues;
- The rule of law in EU Member States and implications for cooperation in Europe in the field of migration and asylum.
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