piątek, 9 listopada 2018

Call for papers: Special Issue "The Protection of Minorities under International Law"

"Laws", recenzowane czasopismo open access publikowane online, zaprasza do nadsyłania artykułów do swojego specjalnego numeru, poświęconego ochronie mniejszości w prawie międzynarodowym. 
Specjalne wydanie ma skupiać się na trzech obszarach:
  • The focus of this Special Issue is the protection of the rights of minorities under international law. It will deal with the extant legal framework, both from an international and regional perspective and analyze how the legal framework is implemented in practice.
  • Numerous issues face minority groups, and the Special Issue will address a number of these, including minority identity; minority culture; destruction of cultural property belonging to minority groups; linguistic rights; religious rights etc.
  • The purpose of the Special Issue is to bring together academics working in the field of minority rights to provide perspectives on a number of current issues facing minority groups and on how the international legal framework applies. The Special Issue will provide an in-depth analysis of the how the extant legal framework on the rights of minorities operates and can apply in practice.
Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 10.01.2019 r.
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